FarmEasy is a web-based application designed to assist farmers in managing their crops, inventory, and tasks efficiently. The development of FarmEasy was a collaborative effort by three team members: Pushpdeep Sandhu, Jaspreet Singh, and Varad Pund. The roles and responsibilities were divided to ensure smooth project execution and timely completion.
##Contribution by Jaspreet Singh (Backend)##
**Contribution by Jaspreet Singh (Backend)**
Jaspreet Singh was responsible for the backend development of the FarmEasy application. His contributions included implementing the Flask application, database interactions, and backend logic for various features.
**Files Managed:**
... | ... | @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ o Implemented session management and password hashing for secure authentication. |
o Configured the MongoDB connection and defined collections for crops, inventory, and tracker data.
o Enabled CRUD operations for data management.
##Contribution by Pushpdeep Sandhu (Frontend)##
**Contribution by Pushpdeep Sandhu (Frontend)**
Pushpdeep Sandhu was in charge of designing and implementing the frontend components of the FarmEasy application. He focused on ensuring a user-friendly interface and responsive design for various features.
**Files Managed:**
... | ... | @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ o signup.html: Developed the signup page for new user registration. |
o dashboard.html: Styled the dashboard with data visualization and task management features.
o inventory.html, my_crops.html: Created interfaces for managing inventory and crop data.
##Contribution by Varad Pund (Documentation and Others)##
**Contribution by Varad Pund (Documentation and Others)**
Varad Pund was responsible for documenting the project and managing auxiliary tasks to ensure project clarity and maintainability.
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