FarmEasy is a web-based application designed to assist farmers in managing their crops, inventory, and tasks efficiently. The development of FarmEasy was a collaborative effort by three team members: Pushpdeep Sandhu, Jaspreet Singh, and Varad Pund. The roles and responsibilities were divided to ensure smooth project execution and timely completion.
##Contribution by Jaspreet Singh (Backend)
Jaspreet Singh was responsible for the backend development of the FarmEasy application. His contributions included implementing the Flask application, database interactions, and backend logic for various features.
**Files Managed:**
1. app.py:
o Developed routes for user authentication, crop management, inventory management, and recommendation systems.
o Integrated MongoDB using Flask-PyMongo for data storage.
o Implemented session management and password hashing for secure authentication.
2. database.py:
o Configured the MongoDB connection and defined collections for crops, inventory, and tracker data.
o Enabled CRUD operations for data management.
##Contribution by Pushpdeep Sandhu (Frontend)
Pushpdeep Sandhu was in charge of designing and implementing the frontend components of the FarmEasy application. He focused on ensuring a user-friendly interface and responsive design for various features.
**Files Managed:**
1. style.css:
o Styled the login and signup pages with a modern and responsive layout.
o Added interactive hover effects and transitions for better user experience.
2. dash.css:
o Styled the dashboard, including components like the sidebar, cards, and custom widgets (tracker, weather, to-do list).
o Ensured responsiveness for mobile devices.
3. HTML Templates:
o login.html: Designed the login page interface.
o signup.html: Developed the signup page for new user registration.
o dashboard.html: Styled the dashboard with data visualization and task management features.
o inventory.html, my_crops.html: Created interfaces for managing inventory and crop data.
##Contribution by Varad Pund (Documentation and Others)
Varad Pund was responsible for documenting the project and managing auxiliary tasks to ensure project clarity and maintainability.
1. Documentation:
o Created detailed documentation for backend files (app.py, database.py) and frontend files (style.css, dash.css).
o Explained the functionality of machine learning models in crop_predictor.py and fertilizer_predictor.py.
o Documented the training workflow in predictor.py and the crop management system in crops.py.
2. Coordination:
o Assisted in debugging and testing the application.
o Reviewed code for consistency and adherence to project guidelines.